Conceived and Directed by Djahari Clark, “Cloud Cuckooland” is a new theatrical spectacle inspired by ancient Greek tragedies.
Follow a girl who, upon her death, is offered a chance to become Queen of the Birds! But her Queendom is contingent on leaving her heart behind...a doomed existence the ambiguous birds enjoy to the very end.
Collaborators include Playwright Matthew Freeman, Vocal Composer Zahra Hashemian, the untamable ladies of both Desert Sin and House of Yes, and musicians David Kammerer, Harlan Muir, Matthew Talmage, Baby Copperhead, and Damon Ketron. Starring Cassandra Rosebeetle, Anya Sapoznhikova, Zahra Hashemian, Renata Bergan, Amanda Mottur, Angela Harriell of The Love Show, Joshua Oates, Kae Burke, and more!
The powerful alliance of these artists emerges as a transformative artistic expression of euphoria and sorrow.