live music, dance, & puppetry inspired by Appalachian ballads
Gloaming Project presents
The Ballad Tree
at The Open Eye Theater
Margaretville, NY
Saturday, January 18 at 6pm
Saturday, Feburary 15 at 6pm
Saturday, March 22 at 6pm
Inspired by Appalachian ballads - old English, Scottish, and Irish folk songs carried over to early North America - the ballads are presented through live music, song, dance, and puppetry.
The Ballad Tree embraces the oral tradition of ballads while acknowledging their journey of modification with new interpretations and inspirations. Focusing on the romantic “Murder Ballads” the songs will include both popular and lesser-known ballads as well as original ballad-inspired music and dance.
Akin to fairytales, the ballads speak to challenging emotions and situations. Despite their dark themes, there is a serene beauty in their trance-like, emotional states.
“As long as people love a story and their senses respond to sound and movement, the ballad tree, rooted in the past, living today, will send forth its branches into tomorrow.” – Evelyn Wells
Run-time approx 1-hour
News of potential satellite performances in unique locations around the Catskill Region will be posted at and
This project is made possible with funds from the Delaware County Arts Grants, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered in Delaware County by the Roxbury Arts Group.